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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Id distinctio reiciendis quae, ipsum illo veritatis
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Id distinctio reiciendis quae, ipsum illo veritatis
porro alias suscipit, beatae in reprehenderit optio libero
repellendus. Fugiat asperiores omnis fugit nisi accusantium!
UrMask at a glance…
• SHOT! — the Instagram killer for a new generation!
• Easy to get followers!
• Plus:
• Masked or Nude — Portrait of the 21st Century!
• History’s hottest Masquerade Ball — and you’re invited! We expect 5 billion guests, and $1 trillion to charity
• Put the KISSER on all your blogs and news sites!
• UrMask Charity Gala: Are you on the List?
• All the world’s most popular people automatically link to charity every time they post on UrMask in social media’s first serious response to the global humanitarian and financial disaster following Covid-19
• Rose’s Pony Club
• New game-changing freedom for world-class artists, journalists, designers and creators everywhere in the most inspiring cultural evolution of our time
• Headlines! (Imagine a news site without them…)
• Text formatting! Bold, italics and
strike-through! (Imagine a news site without them…)• Embedded links to all your websites and stuff! (Imagine … you get it)
• Social media and forums rolled into one
• No more Facebook/Twitter-discrimination against women and nonbinaries
• Politically neutral moderation
• Twitter and Facebook ban history’s greatest artists — and we’re talking Tizian and Rubens here — but allow Nazis and death threats in the most dangerous attack on civilization since the 1930s. (On UrMask, it’s the other way around)
• UR global empire! Rising from the subways
• UrMask Heroine™ She was the world’s best protected secret until very recently. Today, you know her as
Hi, I've got my own pony clubMore
• Bitcoin Heroine™! Because crypto doesn’t have to look like the inside of your dad’s computer anymore. The world’s most popular digital coin got a new face today — and you’ve never seen anything like her! Smiling and colorful, she’s introducing bitcoin to all of us who couldn’t care less about tech. Bitcoin Heroine is also the soundtrack of UrMask and available on iTunes — plus, she’s of course the ultimate NFT
• Black Swan events
• Breaking news
• Instead of stocks, investors and collectors buy attractive GoldHandles™ — 1-6 character handles like
• Fun, pop and entertainment
• Artist-friendly: Unlike the BOMS — Boring Old Man Sites (Rose-speak for Facebook, Twitter, etc.) — we don’t allow organized crime sites that steal Intellectual Property
• UrMask Polls shape the public conversation and the new world after the pandemic: Should we abolish gender pronouns? Was Shakespeare just a bigot? Is ‘Merry Christmas’ hate speech? You decide
• Competitions, prizes, tournaments and contests
• After the Twitter-Trump alliance culminated in a terror attack against the US Capitol, we are pleased to present the opposite: Rose’s Grand Unified Theory of Systemic Niceness
• Bringing back romance, glamour and mystery
• No buried posts, shadowbans, deboosts or secret downgrades
• Unlike Facebook, Gab, Twitter, Parler and other right-wing sites, we’re from entertainment, media and the arts. So, we like people. We live for pop. We’re deeply into dance, fashion, literature, journalism, gaming, museums and movies. In short, we worship civilization and we built UrMask to protect it
• No white supremacists
• The world’s first mainstream Pagan-friendly social media. Wicca is the fastest growing religion in the US — and well on track to replace Christianity — but Facebook and Twitter allow death threats against witches. And we’re like, wut?
• Built around charity and love, not radicalization engines and hate for profit
• Independent from app stores that ban art history’s most important motif: The human body. Instead, it’s very easy to use UrMask on your phone’s browser
• The world’s finest Emojis: Popping Champagne, animated Unicorns, smiles, hearts and dancing people
• Unlike Twitter and Facebook’s BOMR (Boring Old Man Rules), UrMask’s guidelines also apply to rich and powerful people
• Built like a symphony, not a company
• If you love art and music, NFTs are everything — except they’re not worth much if you can’t find them. So we built UrMask as the global NFT center where creators and collectors meet. Best part? Unlike Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, we allow world-class art, so pop stars, designers, news media, artists and other creators no longer have to dumb down their work
• Meditation is super popular among the world’s most successful people, and it became a huge hit in the pandemic — because happiness and inner peace — so we built a subMask (UrMask-speak for ‘forum’) around the world’s most enjoyable relaxation techniques
• No spying. We don’t even know your IP address — let alone your phone number
• Funded by patrons, crypto lovers and GoldHandles™ — the ultimate NFTs — instead of hate, surveillance and invasive ads
• If you build a new society, you probably want to base it on stuff that works. Old social media sites were based on a constitution written by slave owners that supported hate speech and deadly weapons. UrMask is based on Danish frisind — the hot new craze:
• Made Denmark the world’s happiest country of all time
• A unique cocktail of liberty, openness and tolerance
• Not available on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
• Made Denmark one of the world’s most equal, peaceful and successful countries and the first nation to legalize same-sex partnerships
• The perfect solution to social media’s traditional hate-censorship dilemma
• The result of more than 1,200 years of social experiments in Europe’s oldest monarchy
• The basis of popular Scandinavian values like diversity, equality, non-violence, artistic freedom, free press, free education and free healthcare for everyone
• Politically neutral — widely supported by conservatives and progressives alike in its native country
• For the first time available to all the world. Only on UrMask.
Pass it on…
When large population groups migrate from Twitter and Facebook to UrMask, servers can appear slow. Chip in if you can and we’ll scale to match any traffic and any site, including Facebook and beyond.
If you read this shortly after UrMask’s launch on Midsummer Night 2021, some features and fixes may still be rolling out as UrMask is in public beta until we reach 8-9,000 patrons here:
Patreon is empowering a new generation of creators. Support and engage with artists and creators as they live out their passions!